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Minutes - October 21, 2007

Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Minutes of the October 21, 2007 meeting held during WALPEX 2007 at the Minuteman Regional High School, Lexington, MA.

REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at 1:00 PM on January 13, 2008 during the 2nd Sunday Bourse at Spellman Museum of Stamps and Philatelic History, Weston, MA.

President Jack Miller called the meeting to order at 1:06PM.

Len Andexler - Chelmsford Stamp Club
Norm Shufrin - Waltham Stamp Club
Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Mark Butterline - Philatelic Group of Boston
Rene Duval - Clara Barton Stamp Club
Jack Miller - Waltham Stamp Club
Peter Pierce - Clara Barton Stamp Club
Wayne Rindone - Needham-Newton Stamp Club

There was a quorum of the BOD.

Secretary's Report:
The Secretary's Report from the September 9 meeting was accepted as distributed.

Treasurer's Report:
Bruce Bolduc reported that the cash balance for the federation (including the Philatelic Show accounts) is positive as of 9/30/07. A surplus was reported for the past reporting year ending 9/30/07.

Old Business:
Bruce Bolduc reported that Youth Activities were still picking up new members. Recently did 4 summer sessions at the Clara Barton Camp for Girls with Diabetes for ~50 girls.

Wayne Rindone (PS Treasurer) reported that Philatelic Show 2007 resulted in a surplus.

Mark Butterline (Webmaster) reported that the new website became operational on August 20. In the two months since there have been ~2,500 visits by real people with ~7,500 page views. In the past week there had been ~500 page views of Walpex related pages. Mark requested permission to purchase the domains philatelicshow.org and philatelicshow.com at a cost of $6/year. This was approved unanimously.

Norm Shufrin reported that 330 people attended the first day of Walpex. Also noted that facility expenses had risen from ~$1900 to ~$2900 in just two years, resulting in rent increases for the dealer booths. However, there is still a large dealer wait list.

Len Andexler said that he had talked with a number of dealers at Walpex who said they would be interested in participating at next year's Chelmpex.

New Business:
No Philatelic Show 2008 business as Jeff Shapiro was not present.

President Jack Miller adjourned the meeting at 1:30PM.
Respectfully submitted by Mark Butterline, Secretary.